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Scrofoloso-6 is an Electro-Homeopathic remedy designed to treat functional disorders of the urinary system. This powerful remedy is specifically formulated to target the kidneys, bladder, urethras, and other related organs. With its unique blend of natural ingredients, Scrofoloso-6 is a safe and effective solution for those suffering from urinary tract issues. Whether you’re dealing with frequent urination, painful urination, or other related symptoms, Scrofoloso-6 can help.
This is an Electro-Homeopathy classical product and D6 dilution known as Spagyric essence dilution, processed as per ‘Zimpel’ method and made with distilled water.

Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹69.99.

Availability: 26 in stock

Product highlights:

Scrofoloso-6 is an Electro-Homeopathic remedy designed to treat functional disorders of the urinary system. This powerful remedy is specifically formulated to target the kidneys, bladder, urethras, and other related organs. With its unique blend of natural ingredients, Scrofoloso-6 is a safe and effective solution for those suffering from urinary tract issues. Whether you’re dealing with frequent urination, painful urination, or other related symptoms, Scrofoloso-6 can help.

This is an Electro-Homeopathy classical product and D6 dilution known as Spagyric essence dilution, processed as per ‘Zimpel’ method and made with distilled water.

Constitution: All constitutions.

Organs/ systems: Kidney, urinary system, urinary bladder, metabolism.

Key Ingredients:
Cochlearia officinalis, Hydrastis canadensis, Jamaican sarsaparilla, Matricaria Chamomilla, Nasturtium officinale, Scrophularia nodosa, Solidago virgaurea, Tussilago farfara, Veronica officinalis.

Medicinal properties:

Anti-lithic, anodyne, nervine, laxative, diuretic, antirheumatic, anti-scrofulous.

The list of properties attributed to a certain substance includes anti-lithic, anodyne, nervine, laxative, diuretic, antir-heumatic, and anti-scrofulous effects. These properties suggest that the substance may have a wide range of potential health benefits. However, it is important to note that further research is needed to fully understand the effects of this substance on the human body.


This remedy is highly effective in treating renal calculi, as it targets the kidneys and urinary bladder. Its primary function is to eliminate cancerous matter from tissues, joints, and cellular cavities. This makes it a valuable tool in treating gout, sclerosis of the heart, and allergies. Additionally, it acts as a diuretic, promoting the production of urine.

Its unique ability to eliminate cancerous matter from tissues, joints, and cellular cavities makes it an invaluable tool in treating a variety of conditions. Whether you suffer from gout, sclerosis of the heart, or allergies, this treatment can help alleviate your symptoms and improve your overall health.

For those suffering from catarrh of the stomach caused by consuming cold beverages, Scrofoloso-6 is an excellent remedy. It can also alleviate the harmful effects of acids that burn the stomach lining.

When taken in strong doses, Scrofoloso-6 increases urine secretion, making it an ideal treatment for dropsy. Conversely, in weaker doses, it can be used to treat diabetic and nocturnal enuresis. This remedy is particularly well-suited for those with a lymphatic temperament, but it is beneficial for all.

Key Benefits:
Kidney disorders
Detoxification via kidney
Liver damage due to long time consuming alcohol
Acute Skin diseases
Uric acid
Inflammatory conditions in urinary system
Kidney stone
Hepatorenal syndrome (damage of liver and kidney)
Joint complaints due to uric acid
Urinary infection and kidney infections to clear cloudy
Reduce swellings
High blood pressure due to kidney damage.

Directions For Use:
Take 10-20 drops of remedy directly or in half cup of water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.
Consult an Electro-homeopath for getting the correct dosage for a condition.

Safety Information:
Read the label carefully before use.
Do not exceed the recommended dose.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Use under medical supervision.
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth, such as coffee, garlic, onion, mint etc., while taking the medicine.

1) Materia Medica of Electro-Homeopathy or Electropathy Spagyric Medicine; Materia Medica and Fundamental Law of Electropathy. 2) Electro-Homeopathic Pharmacopeia by Dr. A.P. Mourya and Dr. V. Kumar. 3) Pharmacology of Electropathy by Dr. R. Justinraj. 4) Materia Medica of Electro-Homeopathy by Dr. Rajesh Sharma. 5) Materia Medica of Electropathy by Dr. N.K. Awasthy. 6) A Text Book of Electro-Homeopathy by Anand Prasad Maurya. 7) New Materia Medica of Electropathy by Dr. R. Jastinraj. 8) A Handbook of Spagyric Therapy by Dr. Vinod Kumar. 9) Materia Medica of Electro-Homeopathy by Dr. Sanjeev Sharma.10) Electro-homeopathy Materia Medica, Mattei Remedies and Indian Electro-homeopathic Remedies by Dr. Arjun Singh. Indications: As per described in Electro-Homeopathy Materia Medica. Dosage: As per Materia Medica of Electro-Homeopathy or directed by the Electropathy physician.

Weight 40 g
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 8 cm

Spagyric Herbals Pvt. Ltd.


Modern Electro-Homeopathy Clinic


Electro-Homeopathy Classical Products


As per Zimpel Method


Made with Distilled Water.


Liquid Dilution, Drops


D6 Dilution, 3rd Dilution


30 ml


Non Refundable / Non Returnable

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