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Comprehensive Remedy for Arthritis and Skin Conditions

This remedy specifically targets arthritis and skin conditions, offering a synergistic effect through the combination of four individual remedies: Angiotico-2, Linfatico-1, Canceroso-5, and Scrofoloso-5, resulting in Canceroso-11. It acts on various systems including the venous system, lymphatic system, muscular system, stomach, spleen, liver, skin, kidney, glands, mucus membranes, as well as the cutaneous and subcutaneous layers.

It proves beneficial for addressing glandular indurations accompanied by passive congestion, liver disorders, skin disorders, venous system-related issues, and muscular and joint complaints. Additionally, it helps regulate acidity levels, supports autoimmune disorders, treats chronic liver conditions, addresses chronic skin eruptions, and alleviates paralysis. Furthermore, it offers relief from conditions such as eczema, scabies, acne, pimples, ringworm, wounds, ulcerative abscesses, gangrene, and carbuncles. It is also effective in cases of hepato-splenomegaly following malaria, appendicitis, rheumatic disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and rheumatism characterized by severe joint and muscular pains accompanied by swelling. Moreover, it provides relief from symptoms like neurasthenia, numbness, cold hands and extremities, loss of appetite, anorexia, and vomiting of bile. The combined influence of C11, S5, C5, A2, and Linf-1 is instrumental in the successful treatment of these diverse ailments

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