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Scrofoloso-12 is an eye-specific remedy that targets various parts of the eye. Its unique formulation has been shown to have a positive influence on the eyes, making it an effective treatment option for those suffering from eye-related issues. Specifically, it is an eye-specific remedy that targets various parts of the eye. Its unique formulation has been shown to have a positive influence on the eyes, making it an effective treatment option for those suffering from eye-related issues.

This is an Electro-Homeopathy classical product and D6 dilution known as Spagyric essence dilution, processed as per ‘Zimpel’ method and made with distilled water.

Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹69.99.

Availability: 29 in stock

Product highlights:

Scrofoloso-12 is an Electro-Homeopathic remedy designed to treat functional disorders. Specifically, it is an eye-specific remedy that targets various parts of the eye. Its unique formulation has been shown to have a positive influence on the eyes, making it an effective treatment option for those suffering from eye-related issues. With Scrofoloso-12, you can experience relief from discomfort and improve your overall eye health.

This is an Electro-Homeopathy classical product and D6 dilution known as Spagyric essence dilution, processed as per ‘Zimpel’ method and made with distilled water.

Constitution: All constitutions.

Organs/ systems: Eyes, nervous system.

Key Ingredients:
Atropa belladonna, Cochlearia officinalis, Euphrasia rostkoviana, Hydrastis canadensis, Jamaican sarsaparilla, Matricaria Chamomilla, Nasturtium officinalis, Scrophularia nodosa,

Medicinal properties:

Nervine, anti-scrofulous, anodyne.

“Nervine, anti-scrofulous, and anodyne” are terms used to describe the medicinal properties of a substance. These terms refer to the ability of the substance to calm the nerves, treat scrofula (a type of tuberculosis), and relieve pain, respectively. These properties are often sought after in natural remedies and alternative medicine.


Three plants have been removed from Scrofoloso-1, and two new plants have been added: Euphrasia officinalis and Atropa belladonna. The plants that have been eradicated are Tussilago farfara, Veronica officinalis, and Strychnos Nux-vomica.

The addition of Euphrasia officinalis and Atropa belladonna will provide a more targeted approach to treating eye diseases. This remedy is particularly useful for addressing degenerative changes in the eyes and nervous system. It is a powerful tool for maintaining healthy eyesight throughout one’s life.

The addition of Euphrasia officinalis and Atropa belladonna to Scrofoloso-1 brings about a significant change in the medicinal properties of the formula. Euphrasia officinalis, also known as eyebright, has been traditionally used for treating eye-related problems such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and cataracts. Atropa belladonna, on the other hand, is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and has been used to treat various nervous system disorders.

The elimination of Tussilago farfara, Veronica officinalis, and Strychnos Nux-vomica from Scrofoloso-1 may have been due to their potential side effects or lack of efficacy in treating the intended conditions. Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot) has been linked to liver damage when consumed in large quantities. Veronica officinalis (speedwell) has been used for respiratory ailments but.

Key Benefits:
Eye inflammation
Dizziness due to weak eyesight
Migraine due to weak eyesight
Eye disorder due to diabetes
Eye disorder due to any other major illnesses
Helps to improve eyesight.

Directions For Use:
Take 10-20 drops of remedy directly or in half cup of water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.
Consult an Electro-homeopath for getting the correct dosage for a condition.

Safety Information:
Read the label carefully before use.
Do not exceed the recommended dose.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Use under medical supervision.
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth, such as coffee, garlic, onion, mint etc., while taking the medicine.

1) Materia Medica of Electro-Homeopathy or Electropathy Spagyric Medicine; Materia Medica and Fundamental Law of Electropathy. 2) Electro-Homeopathic Pharmacopeia by Dr. A.P. Mourya and Dr. V. Kumar. 3) Pharmacology of Electropathy by Dr. R. Justinraj. 4) Materia Medica of Electro-Homeopathy by Dr. Rajesh Sharma. 5) Materia Medica of Electropathy by Dr. N.K. Awasthy. 6) A Text Book of Electro-Homeopathy by Anand Prasad Maurya. 7) New Materia Medica of Electropathy by Dr. R. Jastinraj. 8) A Handbook of Spagyric Therapy by Dr. Vinod Kumar. 9) Materia Medica of Electro-Homeopathy by Dr. Sanjeev Sharma.10) Electro-homeopathy Materia Medica, Mattei Remedies and Indian Electro-homeopathic Remedies by Dr. Arjun Singh. Indications: As per described in Electro-Homeopathy Materia Medica. Dosage: As per Materia Medica of Electro-Homeopathy or directed by the Electropathy physician.

Weight 40 g
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 8 cm

Spagyric Herbals Pvt. Ltd.


Modern Electro-Homeopathy Clinic


Electro-Homeopathy Classical Products


As per Zimpel Method


Made with Distilled Water.


Liquid Dilution, Drops


D6 Dilution, 3rd Dilution


30 ml


Non Refundable / Non Returnable

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